Blog Post #11
Reflect on your experience in the course, your development of PLN, your use of social media platforms and networked publics.
My experience in this course has been very positive! I get easily intimidated with online courses, because I feel like I can get lost easily online. However, this course I felt very supported by both my teacher and my classmates. I connected and created a PLN with many individuals in this class, more specifically my two classmates that I have connected with to complete our final assignment. My PLN went from a large broad group of individuals who were all enrolled in EDCI 338, to more specifically a group of six students, and now even a more engaged PLN of three of us working towards our final project together. Our final group PLN, I feel is the most connected as we connect once or twice a week via Zoom to go over our project together and offer help to each other if we need it.
Note any changes in your perspective of social media in professional settings and personal use.
My views of using social media in my professional setting has changed as I feel I now have the understanding and I am more digitally literate. I now know how to capitalize on social media in a professional way without feeling as if I may compromise my career as a teacher. Personally, I do not believe my social media use will change very much as I use few social media sites and try to keep my social media usage to a minimum, as it is easy to be sucked in.
Submit a closing blog post about your experience and consider how you can pivot your PLN into your next steps.
My PLN can be pivoted into my next steps as an educator because I feel as though I will be very supported with any questions or concerns should they arise and I bring them to the attention of my PLN. The PLN created in this course also includes other educators, and although we may not teach the same grade, we experience similar day-to-day events. Throughout the Covid-19 experience, I believe we will be able to rely on each other for help and suggestions on how to cope.