Blog Post #1
- What does it mean to network using social media?
Networking using social media encompasses the ability to build, maintain, and activate connections, which offers career development, learning, peer support, and resources (Rajagopal et al.). Networking has been used as a tool for learning, “where you gather, collect, communicate, create and also share knowledge and experience with a group of connected people, anywhere at any time.” (Gutierrez) As I am in this course right now developing myself as a professional on a continuum of learning that’s what Gutierrez suggests we do through networking and making connections.
- How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?
As humans, we have a need to connect and make relationships, as Gutierrez states in what a PLN does she covers connection building, connection maintenance, and connection activation. Having connection to others allows us to be motivated as we feel some sense of ownership and being held accountable in participation. Other motivations to participate in networked publics are:
Organization of the contact
Network of a contact
Real potential for collaboration
Real potential for learning
Trends in work environment
(Rajagopal et al.)
- What are the risks & rewards of public communications?
The rewards I have stated above, relationships and connections are made through public communications. Another great reward I have encountered in the last year of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic is the ability to access other educators, as well as, students. The wealth of knowledge that others are willing to share is a great reward. Some risks that go along with public communications is the ability to bring up history; although, you may think it was deleted. As a teacher I am very cognizant of what I put or allow on any of my social media pages, as it could be detrimental to my career.
Works Cited
Gutierrez, Karla. What Are Personal Learning Networks?,
Rajagopal, Kamakshi, et al. “Understanding Personal Learning Networks: Their Structure, Content and the Networking Skills Needed to Optimally Use Them.” First Monday, vol. 17, no. 1-2, 2012, doi:10.5210/fm.v17i1.3559
Great to see another Educator! Hope to connect further.